home blog posting!
yuri recommends!!! about rss feed!!! bingo...?

welcome to - bea's "yuri and other stuff" zone

last updated: 26 february 2025: new blog post: "aaaaaaaaaaaaa"

i'm using this web site for lots!

mostly posting about yuri and games i play. but other stuff too!

contents of this site (subject to change!)
that's this page!

posts about stuff going on in my life. i guess. if i ever feel like updating it lol
not used very much!

small posts
it's kind of like a less edited blog. it's just a place to write something. kind of diary like? idk yet!
also not used much! but if i feel like i've got something to say long form but don't have time or feel like editing it for some reason: maybe it goes here! idk!!! still figuring it all out yknow

yuri recommends!!!
this is where all my writing about yuri i read goes!
expecting to use this lots! this is the page i'm by far most proud of i think.
not exhaustive! there's so much i want to write here

a lil about me!

rss feed
you can add this site to your rss list / reader thing!
probably the best way to keep up with updates to this site as i want to use other social media as little as i can

made a silly little bingo card for a bunch of games i would like to "complete"
it's fun and silly and i enjoyed making this